In order to communicate what you want me to draw better, you can share with me your vision ,

by preparing a visual library of pictures of the character and the general feeling/atmosphere of the piece.

Does your character wear a special robe or armor? Eating a special food? Walking on an enchanted forest with a rare type of fantasy flower? Is the scene dark and spooky, or filled with light and being jolly?

Send me pictures that depict these characteristics of the scene or character.

Reference photos help a lot, but keep in mind that the purpose of the ref is to just give me an Idea of what you want, I don’t want to plagiarize anyone. Try to keep the description short and clear, you don’t need to explain the Lore of the character and other minimal details.

By sending me a reference of the pose/character/landscape/etc you want, you make things easier aaaand faster!

-So please be a dear and send those refs! (^v^) !


-The final step!

Send me an email to

With your commission description,

the type of illustration  (step 1 and 2) 

and the reference files  (step 3)

-From there, I'll contact you and start working on your piece !

-Can I print my artwork ?

If you'd like a printed copy of the artwork, let me know,

there's an option for you to buy the printed piece via my inprnt (a giclée printing service),

The piece won't be public, and you'll be the only person with a URL able to purchase your art piece.

take a look at the printed artworks 

-Before you go !

Make sure you've read the "terms of service and the Commission Process"

It may sound scary, but it's important to know how the process works.